The Landlady Roald Dahl Analysis

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Roald Dahl was a well-known writer who wrote many important and successful stories. Roald Dahl was born in 1916 in Wales, in the UK. He was British, but his descent was from Norwegian parents. He was educated in England. The young Roald loved stories and books. His mother use to tell him and his sisters tales about trolls and other mythical Norwegian creatures. One of his most famous short stories is “The Landlady”, but this story, The Landlady is not a children’s story. The Landlady had first appeared in ‘The New Yorker’ on 1959 and since then was included in Dahl’s various collections of short stories. (""The Landlady" 1959) The story of “The Landlady” is centered on a 17-year-old young bay which goes by the name of Billy Weaver. Billy travels to Bath, England for a business trip. Along the way, he catches sight of a breakfast signboard and he is mysteriously and hypnotically attracted by the sign he laid his eyes upon outside the door and the warm and homelike setting within, so he decides to stay there for the night. He is greeted there by a middle-aged woman, the cheerful as well as talkative landlady, She has no name given to her and it shown that at that particular period of time, a lady is just known by their common duty, who insists upon sitting and chatting with Billy Weaver, serving him tea (Dahl refers to the tea tasting of bitter almonds, making the implication that the tea is poisoned with cyanide that the landlady has served to Billy). Billy is slightly