The Last Lecture By Randy Pausch Chapter Summary

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Randy Pausch’s story of being diagnosed with cancer was a real “eye opener” on how we live our lives. There are people that could care less about what will happen tomorrow, but for some, that is all they can think about. Randy gave a great example of how he handled receiving the news of his cancer and how he chose to spend his remaining time. That is why I chose two chapters from his book, “The last lecture”, that really portrayed how well he handled his situation and life in general. Chapter one, “An Injured Lion Still Wants to Roar”, being the first chapter in the book, it jumps straight into how he is dealing with his cancer. Instead of letting it hold him back, he still wants to do things and continue living his life to the fullest, as …show more content…

Even though they had different opinions about how he should be spending his time, he keeps his promise to Jai to do whatever he could to make handling the situation easier for her. Now, not only is he having to contemplate about how he is going to spend the time he has left, but he also takes away from that time to plan and ensure that his family is going to be okay in the future when he is no longer with them. Even in his critical situation, he would always put Jai and the kids first. Skipping to chapter three, “The Elephant in the Room”, is about him announcing his cancer to his students. This is one of my favorite chapters because of the courage and strength he had to come out to his students about his diagnosis, and did it in the best way by simply announcing it to get the elephant out of the room. He even displayed a large CT scan of his liver to show them the ten tumors he had in his liver. I believe one of the hardest parts of being diagnosed with cancer would be having to inform your family, friends, and loved ones of it. In this situation, Randy handles it like, I think, no one else

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