
The Last Of The Mohicans Essay

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Movies created to aware people about a historic may be entertaining to watch however they are not the most effective way to learn. History movies, such as The Last of The Mohicans directed by Michael Mann, the audience is misinformed as a result of a certain perspective. History film productions simplify the indigenous minority population in the audience’s eyes. Also movies are established for many reasons beyond educational purposes. The Last of the Mohicans directed by Michael Mann demonstrates the reason movies should not be used as an effective way to further your knowledge on a historic period.
First of all, when observing a history movie there are different ways that mislead the audience to a different perspective. Some features that cause bias or deludes a historical perspective would be the lighting, camera angles, shot size, film stock and other technical aspects, these attributes cause the viewer to be guiding in the way that the director wants (Reynaud). The Last of the Mohicans misinforms the audience into believing inaccurate situations such as that the Mohican tribe is in fact not extinct. The Mohican Tribe settled in the banks of the …show more content…

The movie showed the Mohicans tribe as heroic and naturally moral. In the beginning of the movie the Mohicans worshipped the gods for the deer they had sacrificed, this scene presents them as the “good indians” (Mann). They distinguished the Huron’s from the Mohicans by dressing them in cavemen attire with war paint on their body. The Hurons are shown as physically strong with childlike behaviour that makes them prone to violent behaviour (Reel American History). Magua the leader of the Huron group shows hostility in a variety of ways but one major way he shows hostility is when he tries to capture Cora and Alice for a potential wife after they attacked a defenseless group of travelers

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