The Legalization Of Chocolate In Pre-Columbian Mexico

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The treat that now lies quietly in its wrapper carries a story of exotic places, long journeys, and distant families. Chocolate has derived through the years to become the most universal and addictive flavor. Most of us know chocolate as the decadent sweet that we eat with cookies, cakes, candy bars, and other desserts but around the world, chocolate was prepared even as a drink. Chocolate isn’t simply a flavoring or ingredient, across the globe medicinal remedies have incorporated this substance as curatives. This addictive flavor roots back from 2000 to 4000 years ago in Central and South America, and can be found in our local grocery stores within just a few seconds. There tends to be an underlying confusion about the derivation of chocolate, …show more content…

The Mayans and Aztecs produced a drink called Xocoatll which came from the beans of the cocoa tree. This frothy beverage was served exclusively to royals and newly married couples. Chocolate had an important place in the heart of Mayans, and it was used in religious, cultural, and spiritual life. The Mayans even used chocolate as currency! After the Mayans experimented with chocolate soon after the Aztecs followed. The Aztecs consumed chocolate in the same form as a drink but they preferred their chocolate drink to be chilled. Chocolate was spelled variously in forms such as chocalatall, jocolatte, jacolatte, and chockelet. The first concept of eating chocolate was introduced by Fry and Sons in England in 1847. This new form of eating chocolate wasn’t favored because of its bitter taste, but later on Swiss chocolateers experimented with its rough and bitter taste and combined milk with the substance to make the rich taste we enjoy …show more content…

The form of solid chocolate was made by Joseph Fry and Sons when they discovered a way of mixing dutched cocoa powder and sugar to make a paste that was molded. This form of chocolate was displayed for all of England to enjoy. Later on companies such as Nestle, and Cadbury introduced chocolate to America for the first time into different shapes and textures. The original Hershey’s, is the largest chocolate manufacturer in North America and throughout the world. Founded by Milton S. Hershey, its products are sold in over sixty countries worldwide, and holds an important position in the World Cocoa Foundation. Hershey is usually seen as the American icon for a chocolate bar. Many people however don’t know what the famous Hershey’s company struggled to gain profit its first years and even had a momentary shut