The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe By C. S. Lewis

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It is my firm belief that every artist has a moment of inspiration, where they come upon their favorite form of medium and fall in love. My ‘love at first sight’ was with illustrations, and happened when I was four years old. My grandpa used to sit me and my sister on the sofa with him and crack open an old volume of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S Lewis. As we flew into the world of Lucy, Edmund, Peter, and Susan, I was enchanted by the beautiful and whimsical illustrations made by Pauline Baynes. I loved the inky black and white world, where Lucy was taking her first steps into Narnia, hand in hand with Mr. Tumnus. Later on, Shel Silverstien’s artistic and humorous books of poems showed me the fantastic mess words can make.