
The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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Andy Fournier Seyyedesaghar Najafi 604-102-MQ gr.00004 (A2017) October 23rd, 2017 Review of “The Lottery” from Shirley Jackson The short story “The Lottery”, we can clearly see that the gender of each character influences how the other ones treats them, of course, it is different from what we would see in 2017 because the story was written in 1948. We can observe that the characters that has more impact over the others are men, like Mr. Summer who is the owner of a coal company, so he is probably richer than the other villagers, women, on the other hand, are only the women of each family, they don’t have any other jobs than being an housewife, which give them less significance in the story. We must keep in mind that in the old times, it was
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