
The Lottery Movie And Book Comparison

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Paragraph 1-Introduce the short story The Lottery by Shirley Jackson. Explain the plot of the story and the theme of the story.

Paragraph 2-Introduce the movie The Lottery that was produced in 1969. Explain 4 MAJOR/IMPORTANT similarities between the movie and the short story. Explain why keeping these events/similarities consistent was important to the plot of the story.

Paragraph 3-Explain 3 MAJOR/IMPORTANT differences between the short story and the film version. With each difference, you must explain how it impacted the movie/story.

The Lottery is by Shirley Jackson, which is a fictional story. It was made in 1948. It was in the new yorker. It happened on June 27th at 10:00 in the morning and only lasted two hours in a village in the town square between the bank and the post office. There was only 300 people that lived in the village. There was a box with cards in it. Mr. Summers and Mr. Graves are the people who prepared it. The men of the families are the ones who pick the cards. Only 1 family will get a card with a black dot on it. Then the family that gets the black dot that family has to put their cards back in the box. Then they mix the cards around. Then they pick the cards 1 by 1. They have to wait till everyone gets one. Whoever has the card with the black dot in that family will be stoned to death. …show more content…

Power of tradition means, they have to do what the tradition is. They throw rocks at people that have the black dot. If they don't they will also be stoned to death. Some people don’t want to do it, but they are to scared. They do it anyways so they don’t get killed. The people who do want to do it are called mindless people. Meaning the do what other people do. So they would do what other people do like killing people for no reason instead of listening to their

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