The Love Song Of J Alfred Prufrock Analysis

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The revealing of the human nature was one of the most prominent topics in the literature of modernism. The modernist view of the world concerned the lack of order in it and dealt with the sub-consciousness of an individual. One of the brightest representatives of this literature direction was Thomas Eliot, whose poetry revealed the real identity of a man with all its uncertainties. For example, the poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”, published in Poetry magazine in 1915, provides an image of the contemporary man. By the example of the main character, Prufrock, Eliot depicts the weaknesses of the society and the personality that is far from ideal. The poem tells about a man who accompanies the reader through the streets of the city to a social meeting, where he would like to take part, but does not dare to accomplish that. All that is shown through his flow of thoughts. Depicting the alienation of an individual and his loneliness in the society, his all-knowing nature, and the fear of getting older, Eliot did not only describe the man of the twentieth century, but was also looking forward to create the image of the man from the twenty-first century.
As many of the Eliot’s characters and of the contemporary people, Prufrock feels isolated in the world of superficial relations and lacking the meaning. He realizes that this society does not pay attention to the important issues and becomes spiritually exhausted by the respective way of living. The routines of dressing