The Malicious Nature Of Totalitarianism In George Orwell's 1984

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“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength” (Orwell 17). The chilling dystopia presented in 1984 exemplifies the malicious nature of totalitarian governments in their pursuit of power and the various methods implemented to achieve control over the population. Using psychological manipulation and fear through war, falsehoods, and torture, Big Brother retains absolute control over one’s thoughts and actions, and thus strips the individual of humanity. Although the society illustrated in George Orwell’s novel seems implausible, Orwell aimed to reflect certain aspects of the time period in which he lived and warn readers of the impending future he foresaw. The rise of tyrannical governments during the 1940s, such as Hitler in Germany and Stalin in Russia, fueled Orwell’s …show more content…

Various methods of brainwashing distract individuals from the oppressive nature of authoritative figures, similar to communist and fascist establishments prevalent within Eastern Europe. In addition, administering fear in the minds of citizens induces increased loyalty and trust for oppressive governments, which societies of Orwell’s time epitomized through mass murder. The destruction of the individual, along with the concepts of free thinking, creativity, and emotion, ultimately occur as a result of the absolute power held over citizens, which Orwell aspired to avoid in writing 1984. The impact of Orwell’s novel still resonates with readers presently, as the future remains uncertain and the society extensively detailed in 1984 mirrors aspects of one’s life today. Perhaps such an abhorrent anti-utopia did not exist in the year 1984, but the possibility of ultimate totalitarianism never ceases to