The Man By The Window Irony Essay

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In the two short stories; The man by the Window by Harry Buschman, and The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant’s the theme emerges by the usage of irony. In both stories the ending is the ironic part but throughout the whole story it emerges. In the first reading one of the characters explains how beautiful the outside looks from a hospital window but in the end its nothing you expect. In The Necklace, she borrows a necklace and loses it. What she does to repay her friend is very ironic. When I say Irony, I think of it as, you think it will end one way but it really ends the other way. The theme of The Man by the Window is, life is full of disappointments but sticking together and sharing life experiences always adds a positive vibe. The theme of The Necklace is, just because you don’t have everything, doesn’t make you any less of a person. Even though the theme in The Necklace is very ironic, the theme emerges clearer in The Man by the Window because of major points along the way. In this short story it starts off with a man describing to another man what the view was outside of their hospital room. It …show more content…

Stated in the beginning of” The Man by the Window”, it states, “The two men talked through the long night and during the early morning hours. The spoke of their families and friends, their jobs and their experiences in the war” (Buschman 1). Stated in “The Necklace”, it states, “She wanted so much charm, to be envied, to be desired and sought after” (Maupassant’s 2). The theme emerges better in The Man by the Window because of the character’s actions. By the two man talking about their life and memories its keeping their mind off of this fact they are in the hospital. They could relate to each other about different past experiences such as war. Having someone you can talk to too keep your mind off bad times helps