The Man Who Lives In Diaries Analysis

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The Man Who Lives In Diaries

After making his "brain-power-boosting" mixture,a wannabe chemist drinks it,shrinking instead into a little man,who decides to read people '’s diaries, but reads one which lands him into serious trouble.


A group of students write an exam in a classroom,when the bell rings for "Stop Work".

All the students at the same time put their pens down, with the exception of DAVE(19), admirable but secretive wannabe chemist, who continues to write.

When the stout looking invigilator shouts at him to stop work,he looks around to find everyone looking at him and puts his pen down.
Dave stands up late, quiet and leaves the examination room while the other students celebrate.

Two weeks …show more content…

Dave is saddened by the story of the babysitter and leaves the house, but not before a hot chase by the fat cat which is unable to jump over the hedge boundary.

Dave’ 's next adventure takes him to the home of little boy TOM(10),lean,smart and intelligent.His parents are workaholics who do not get time to chat with him and help him with his problems.
Dave finds the boy asleep and snooring heavily.He looks for the diary and finds it under the chair close to the table near the door and starts to read it; Three bullies in his class meet him on the school field and take his basketball from his hand violently and push him to the ground.The boys then punch the basketball with a nail and run away from the scene, leaving Tom on the ground crying.

The other day,they took away his toy and smashed it on the ground,breaking it into pieces.One of the boys tries to piss on him but he is unable to open his zipper and pisses on himself,wetting his own pants. Tom writes a plan to get the boys into trouble with BIG JOE,the chief bully in the school: He goes to school very early in the morning,when no one is around.He writes a note insulting Big Joe and pastes some all over the school.When Big Joe comes to school,he then goes to him and name the boys as those who wrote the