
The Many Challenges Faced In Just Mercy By Bryan Stevenson

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In the book Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson, Bryan faces many challenges and helps innocent people prove their innocence. His business becomes stronger than the law. Just Mercy shows the suffering and injustice of past cases. Bryan Stevenson faced many difficulties during his work. Some difficulties he faced were social obstacles. There was a lot of racism At the time and people did not support what Stevenson was supporting. Many people thought the innocent minorities should stay on death row just because of their bias against African Americans. Another difficulty Stevenson faced were death threats. Him and his compant recieved death threats. This was the backlash of him supporting the minority. Another difficulty Bryan faced was that he was African American. He didn’t get most privileges white lawyers got. “Lawers don’t have to sign that book– If you want to come into my prison, you’ll sign the book” (Stevenson, 169). This quote conveys the racism and disprivilege Bryan got for being African American. This made it hard for Stevenson, it even discouraged him slightly. The last difficulty Bryan faced was working with people with mental disabilities. People did not take them seriously and …show more content…

What kept him going was having the families of the accused support and cheer him on. Another thing that motivated Bryan to keep going was the pain in the accused when he saw them. There was one boy that really hit hard for Bryan. “I’d never held anyone who gripped me as tightly as that child did or who cried as hard or as long.. When I left the jail, I was more angry than sad. I kept asking myself, “Who is responsible for this? How could we ever allow this?” (Stevenson, 102). This quote shows that Bryan has never seen this kind of pain. He was angry and asking himself how anyone could ever allow this. This shows that Bryan wants to keep working to get that boy

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