
Abortion And Conflict Theory Essay

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THE COOPERATION AND CONFLICT THEORY This theory is hypothesized on the basis to generate the prediction on how FMC may increase maternal health and in cases that will decrease maternal health. The interaction between the mother and fetes is considered to be a cooperative one. Whereas parental interaction is characterized as both cooperative (genes are shared and increases fitness )and conflict (all genes are not shared and future pregnancy will be impacted by too much of maternal cells in offspring).In the light of conflict the fetal manipulation takes place by increasing the resource transfer from maternal circulation through the placenta and it has also caused the emergence of maternal countermeasure in order to limit the transfer so as to avoid impact on either sides.(6) MATERNO FOEATAL MICROCHIMERISM AND DISEASES Increased FMC will lead to certain pregnancy related disorders because of the dysfunctioning of placenta and foeto maternal hemorrhage (5)These cells are capable of surviving in the bone marrow and they are able to proliferate, differentiate and activate. Hyper activation of these cells have been found to be associated with autoimmune diseases (4).The FMC have the ability to attack the maternal tissues and leads to …show more content…

Can it become fatal in some cases?.It all mainly depends on how our system works and how our immune system responds to the situations that arise (3). The main role of fetal cells and maternal cells and their total response to each other in disease or health has not been completely identified. The future works on this topic include:1. understanding the maternal and fetal alleles,2.reseraching on exactly how the foetal cells affects the maternal tissues and3. measuring the fetal and maternal immune cell interactions(6). Several new techniques have been identified like: bioluminescent imaging for in vivo FMC cellular trafficking using nano particle

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