The Maze Runner Essay

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The Maze Runner, written by James Dashner is a fiction story which revolves around the themes of; manipulation, memory, fear, exploration, teamwork and friendship. The Maze Runner should be studied by the year 9 students of Nossal High School as it is a book which many of us can relate to and compare to life and it is also a book which is able to get people to realise that life could be worse. Not only this, but it is also educates the readers about many vital life skills as well as creative writing techniques. Thomas awakens alone and confused in an elevator. He can't remember how he got there. He doesn't know anything about himself...except his name. When he gets out of the elevator, he finds 60 other boys, just like him with their memory wiped. What they do and their struggle to get out of the Maze forms the rest of the book. Along the process of figuring out a way to get out of the maze, many real life skills are displayed by the characters. Some of the skills which were exhibited include; persistence, sacrifice, teamwork and various thought processes of each of the characters. These …show more content…

A maze, just like life has many obstacles which need to be faced, but skills such as persistence, sacrifice and teamwork can take you to the end. Before you reach the end; you may meet people you might not like, you may be challenged to your maximum ability, you would have to do things that you won’t want to do and lose friends you don’t want to lose. What the boys go through in the Maze can be compared to life and everything within. Novels of this sort are perfect as they also remind you that life could be worse, hey-at least you aren’t fighting for your life in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. The year 9 students of Nossal High School should study this book in English as it is a masterpiece with a point, a meaning and an educational

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