The Mexican-American War: Logical Or Foolish?

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Logical or Foolish The Mexican-American war is a conflict in history that can be interpreted in contrasting viewpoints. The battle between America and Mexico in 1846, was about the two countries going into war with each other over tensions that arose over time. Even though some may say that the United States war against Mexico resulted in the gaining of America’s most valuable land, the war itself was corrupt because the Texans defied Mexico’s laws, the war was engineered by President Polk, and the belief in Manifest destiny was hard-driven. The Texans are are at fault for igniting the unforgivable American Invasion, because they avoided following Mexico’s laws. According to the letter being sent to a military commander, written by …show more content…

In the letter to the U.S Congress on the debate on war with Mexico, written by Joshua Giddings, it states,’’It seems that the President expected General Taylor to find Mexican citizens located within the United States…’’ To clarify, President Polk knowingly sent General Taylor to look for Mexican citizens in the disputed territory, because he was absolutely positive that Mexicans would be there. Polk sent his military soldiers to an area of land that was unofficially claimed by both America and Mexico. Yet in America’s eyes, this was American soil. And the U.S knew that the Mexican government thought that it was claimed by Mexico. By completing this action, President Polk understood that Mexico would see this as a threat to their country, and would react with violence. This would then lead to Mexican soldiers arriving on ‘’U.S territory’’. These intended actions ultimately resulted in an unethical war that was wickedly planned out by, the one and only, President Polk. Furthermore, in Polk’s address to the United States Congress, asking for a declaration of war, he says,’’...I had ordered an efficient military force to take position ‘between the Nueces and Del Norte’. ‘’ To further explain, President Polk commanded armed military troops to the disputed territory. Polk specifically did this, because he was aware of the tensions that would arise between Mexico …show more content…

Although this may be true, The United States is the only one to blame, because they intentionally provoked Mexico into attacking their troops. In Polk’s address to Congress-where he’s calling for a declaration of war- it states,’’...Mexico has passed the blood upon the American soil…’’Regardless of what others may see as an act of war from Mexico, the U.S is totally accountable for Mexico’s outrage. When President Polk purposefully sent military soldiers to the disputed territory, he knew that Mexico would see this as an interrogation to their country. So when Mexico responded violently towards the U.S, it was only out of self-defense to protect their