The Fantasy Genre: Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

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The fantasy genre has attracted people of all ages since Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. (Carroll, 1865) One hundred and fifty years later and over ten subgenres, fantasy continues to gain popularity among new generations. This new generation brings new minds, new talent, and new ideas. Of these new ideas, one has produced a cult-like following with the television show Supernatural. Supernatural is a show about two brothers as they follow their father’s footsteps, hunting evil supernatural creatures such as monster, demons, even fallen gods while trying to save innocent people along the way. Supernatural has become a long-time fantasy favorite across many platforms. As evident of the vast fan base, the imagination of the storylines, the extensive …show more content…

All the classics have such things as a genie granting three wishes or a terribly scary villain with an endless supply of underlings, and Supernatural holds no distinction in this category. Still, Supernatural utilizes an immense cache of mythical creatures to bring forth well-known monsters as well as monsters unknown. Common creatures such as dragons, elves and fairies, and vampires abound, yet it is the unfamiliar monsters that keep the shows devoted followers holding on. Tuning in to see monsters like the pishtaco (pronounced pish-ta-co) which helps humans to lose weight by sucking the fat out of their bodies. Creatures such as the zannas, which are sparkly, talking unicorns in the form of an imaginary friend guiding distracted children until they no longer need to be guided. On the other hand, the most loved creatures of the series are the love to hate villains. A prime example is Eve, the mother of all, a powerful being locked in purgatory until released by killing a dragon and sacrificing a virgin for use as a vessel. The mother of all was bent on destroying anything in her way that prevented her from protecting her children. Other villains like the delightful Crowley, the alluring King of Hell, who worked his way from a crossroads demon to the king of hell to being enslaved and back to the King of Hell. The villains on this show twists the average expectations of what a villain should be and …show more content…

“Supernatural is second only to American Idol as the most-talked-about show on the popular website Television Without Pity” (Bellafante, 2011). Be it by way of the groundbreaking plots and storylines that delivers action, suspense and fantasy rolled into one, the spells and rituals that offers viewers a glimpse into the way the magical world works, or the inclusion of mythical creatures new and old or the hated but loved villains, Supernatural delivers what’s to be expected of a fantasy drama, breaking barriers along the way. With over two hundred episodes, Supernatural has become a fantasy favorite among

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