The Movie Crash Analysis

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The movie crash had to be one of the most interesting movies that I have ever seen. I can truly say that it exceeded my expectations. Still till this day, the 2004 film is known for its awareness that it brought to racial and social tensions. The one scene in the movie that I would say had impacted me the most is when Jean (Sandra Bullock) told her husband Rick (Brendan Fraser) that she wanted to get the key re-changed in the morning. During this scene, Jean has no problem sharing with her husband that she doesn’t trust the Hispanic locksmith Daniel (Michael Peña). When Rick is trying to calm her town she frantically starts yelling about how can’t keep calm because she just had “two black guys point a gun to her head”. She goes on to make a …show more content…

he automatically stereotyped him as some sort of gang banger. After being verbally abused Daniel proves her wrong by leaving the keys on the counter. Overall my emotional response to the situation was one that was of sadness and disgust. You just have to wonder why do people treat other individuals like that? He clearly didn’t do anything during the scene that proved that he should not be trusted, yet she went out of her way to yell out her opinion of him. My intellectual response is due to her being robbed by two black men she let fear and “kindergartner” mindset take over. With that being said I could see why at this moment she didn’t trust anybody, not even really her husband. My cognitive response was that she was being extremely rude to this man for no reason. I was also thinking that it 's funny she has a Hispanic housemaid Maria (Yomi Perry) and how she didn’t say anything about not trusting …show more content…

One example is when Officer Ryan (Matt Dillion) sexually assaulted Christine Thayer (Thandie Newton). The offer pretty much just pulls them over for driving while being black as they are on their way home from a party. He makes the couple get out of the car and does a search on them because they were driving a car that looked to be stolen. Even though his partner confirmed that that wasn’t the car they were looking for. Officer Ryan then goes on to run his hands up Christine’s leg and sexually assaults her. Her husband Cameron (Terrence Howard) doesn’t do anything to stop the cop because he is afraid of what the cop may do to the couple, and because he is afraid to speak out against a white officer. His partner, Hansen (Ryan Phillippe) knows that the search was wrong yet didn’t do anything to stop the inappropriate search. I think that the younger cop Hansen decided to not to say anything because he knew his role was to be a cop and that included not calling out another cop for their wrong doing. The superordinate goals were to work as a team and stick together and to show people that they are there to regulate the law no matter how wrong their actions may look. Hansen understood that Ryan was upset about the situation that had happened to his father earlier that day and was projecting his anger on that couple. He easily could have stepped in and tried to stop Ryan from doing what he was doing. That could have made a

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