The Movie Tucker Essay

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Preston Tucker was a great entrepreneur, in the beginning of the show he starts out with nothing more than simply a drawing, and a dream of a car he wanted to build. Unlike so many people that’s not where he stopped, he took the next step and made his dream into a vision and then into a goal. Preston took a car from an idea he had on paper and transformed it into a goal of making a better and safer car for the American people. He unfortunately never got to see his dream through though do to a few mistakes of his own and the greed and power of others. This movie is a great example of a true entrepreneur and how even in the face of failure he never losses hope and maintains his spirit and drive of what he does. The movie tucker is great from a business point of view. I think …show more content…

This is the quality that allows a person to think of an idea, and then become excited about it. Put into motion the idea with great enthusiasm, but then watch it grow and then realize it didn’t work or people don’t think it’s a good idea so the idea fails. Even after going through all that, thinking of a product, loving it and losing it then still turning around and being able to get back up and start all over again. That power to be able to fail and still get back up, that is one of the most difficult thing to master, but if it can be done nothing can stop an entrepreneur. I loved the way they showed this amazing ability to be that kind of entrepreneur in the movie Tucker. Mr. Tucker has an idea to create a new modern car so he acts on that and starts a car company. He ends up going to court and risking going to prison along with a huge fine. While Mr. Tucker is in court instead of thinking about how he should have never started that business. Instead he kept his head up and when he was declared not guilty he and his family leave the court house in one of the cars he had built. As they were leaving one of his family members asked him what he was going to

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