The Mulalatto And Monasa A Haytien Tale Analysis

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“The Mulatto” (1837) was written by Victor Séjour and “Theresa, A Haytien Tale” (1828) written by S. In “The Mulatto” and “Theresa, A Haytien Tale”, both stories have a revolving theme and this is freedom. Zélie and Theresa both represented freedom by not accepting the rules of life, and also illustrating what courage is. They achieved this in two different manners, but both women symbolize who women are.
“Theresa, A Haytien Tale” tells a story on three characters, Madam Paulina, Theresa, and Amanda. Madam Paulina and her two daughters Theresa and Amanda lived in St. Nicolas where the Haitian Revolution was being held, and Madam Paulina wanted to escape the blood bath for the safety of her two daughters.
“The Mulatto” tells a story on four characters, Laïsa, Georges, Zélie, and Alfred. Laïsa gives birth to Georges and his father is Alfred. Alfred is a slave owner and he only used Laïsa for her body. Laïsa does not tell Georges who his father is because she fears Alfred would kill his son to protect his image. Georges marries a beautiful girl named, Zélie. Alfred tries to repeat what he did with Zélie as he did with Laïsa in the past, but Zélie fights him off. Alfred falls and hits his head causing blood to spur. By the Code Noir, Zélie will have to accept her fate, which is death because she struck her master, Alfred.
Zélie was a woman – a slave who had to comply with the rules or be punished if she did not abide by them. I say she was a woman who understood her values --