The Murder Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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Athena asks her father Zeus,to help free Odysseus and save Telemachus from the suitors.Zeus said that he would.He tell Athena that Odysseus will be on a raft for twenty days.On the twentieth arrive in Scheria ,where he would be given a good ship and good crew.Zeus had sent Hermes to Calypso to tell the goddess about the gods decree. Hermes told her she was angry.She agreed to let Odysseus go.She found Odysseus and told him that he was free to go home.He thought it was a trick at first but then he knew that she was serious.

The next morning Calypso showed Odysseus where he can cut trees.It took him four days to make a raft.When it was time for him to leave Calypso gave him wine and clothes.Posideon was getting on his boat when he saw Odysseus