
The Mysterious Stranger Research Paper

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The Truth Behind The Mysterious Stranger Samuel Langhorne Clemens , Also known by his fictional name Mark Twain , he's one of the best authors to be born in America. Twain was born on November 30th,1835 and died on April 21st, 1910 he wrote many books in his lifetime , he's mainly known for writing The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn . In the beginning of Twain's career he started to write about slavery and racism and would always add a sense of humor to his writings but in his later years (late 19 century -early 20th century ) he started to fall apart and so his writing became much darker. During Twain's life he experienced death for most of it he lost his mother ,wife , and daughter . This is why Twain …show more content…

“Mainly we were trained to be good Christians; to revere the Virgin, the Church, and the saints above everything. Beyond these matters we were not required to know much; and, in fact, not allowed to. “(1,3) Twain uses Theodor and other characters to demonstrate how their free will is being limited by their religious beliefs, they weren't trained to be anything else because the church didn't want anyone to overthrow them.”Knowledge was not good for the common people, and could make them discontented with the lot which God had appointed for them.” (1,4) Twain uses this line to give another example of how their freewill has been limited . “Man has the Moral Sense. You understand? He has the Moral Sense. That would seem to be difference enough between us, all by itself." (3,19) Moral sense is very important in this book , it plays a big part in human freewill this is Twain's unique way of saying everybody is different . According to my resource Twain is right about how humans have freewill. ”The study determined that looking at the pattern of brain activity 0.8 seconds before the cue appeared was a good predictor of which way the subject would choose to look.” (Joel christie 8) This is proof that before thinking about any decision we have already decided what we will choose to do. This study supports …show more content…

For example when they find Ursula resting with the stray cat ,Satan suggest that she shouldn't keep the cat because she's poor."I understand you are very poor. Why do you want to add another mouth to feed .“(5,11) While she was disagreeing with Satan she then says “ it's only the poor that have feeling for the poor, and help them. The poor and God. God will provide for this kitten”.(5,12) This is another perfect example that Twain creates to illustrate how thinking freely can prevent people from making the best choice , Ursula knows that she's poor and cannot provide for the cat but because Satan has suggested that she shouldn't she pulls the god line (god will provide for this kitten) just because she doesnt wants Satan to feel right. Ursula's free will clearly stopped her from doing the right thing. In chapter 6 Twain creates a example that isn't about ‘human’ free will it's an example that shows how corrupt people decisions can become with freewill. Now when the dog comes and tell Satan about how his master had been drunk and has beaten him, this shows how the dog is still loyal. "He only wanted help for the man who had misused him.” (6,9)This is important because it shows how the dog doesn't need moral sense or the ability of free will to do the right thing , because of the dog Twain can paint the perfect picture of how

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