
The Namesake Essay

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The aloof, apparently insipid relationship of Ashima and Ashoke is masterfully illustrated throughout the novel “The Namesake” written by Jhumpa Lahiri. From the very beginning, when they are introduced for a marital arrangement, to the heartbreaking feeling of belonging of Ashima part to Ashoke. Lahiri wonderfully manages to portray a successful marriage vividly by the use of various features.

Firstly, the fact that the author choses to start by such a relatable moment as Mrs.Ganguli’s pregnancy; not only allows the reader to empathize with the characters, but also charms them to contrast their culture to the one in the novel. What is more, even Ashima compares her relationship to the couple next to her, as it can be seen in the next line: “ -I love you, sweet- heart. Words Ashima has neither heard nor expects to hear from her own husband; this is not how they are.” The employment of this parallel situation in the narrative, is an astute …show more content…

and Mrs. Ganguli. The first use of this tool is on the first chapter, which captures how they met for the first time and which was the reaction from each party. As concerns to Ashima, a half-hearted feeling is transmitted when she learns that a new prospector is her house; this is due to the unfortunate suitors’ history. However, her mother conveys quite the opposite of the man; as it is can be shown on the line: “Ashima smiled, amused by her mother's salesmanship” There was one moment in the narrative that makes the reader get exited, the fact that she Ashima tried on the shoes of him, evoked a sense of intimacy. Regarding Ashoke, little interest is demonstrated; like Ashima, his father did all the talking and arrangements. Lahiri’s way of fully exploring some moments and almost not mentioning others, provokes in the reader a sense of stillness and rapidness depending on the each part of the

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