The Narrative Structure In Mildred Pierce And Classical Cinema

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To begin, Mildred Pierce is a classical cinema picture that embodies the hardships encountered by a family in post World War two America. Family dynamics are tested through the struggle of social conventions, betrayal and an unsolved murder. Elements of a classical cinema are present throughout the film that aids in the audience’s perception to unconsciously perceive the film. The elements incorporated to provide an ominous and materialistic depiction of a dramatic murder mystery. Through various themes of lust, greed, betrayal and socioeconomic standards further extends the elements placing you within the fictional world. Throughout the screen duration, the various concepts and elements attempt to persuade your perception of who the murderer may be. This analysis will address the elements style related to classical cinema in relation to the film form present in Mildred Pierce. The narrative structure will be analysed with specific examples of various flashbacks and concepts incorporated from the movie. Aspects of the camera including shot scales and editing will also be discussed. Finalizing with the elements of light and sound that contribute to the overall concept of creating a popular classical cinema film. Narrative structure is present within any genre of film, although how it is structured and presented varies impacting the entirety of the films screen duration. The story first began to develop with flashbacks of Mildred’s past that further