The Necklace Rhetorical Analysis

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Telling a lie will never turnout better than telling the truth. Guy De Maupassant is the author of The Necklace. The Necklace, shows how Madame Loisel is scared how the rich will judge her and her. So she borrows her friend necklace that she loses and buy a new one and she paid her life as a slave for it when it was a fake necklace. Guydemaupassant uses situational irony and external conflict in order to demonstrate honesty is the key. Situational Irony contributes to the theme honesty is the key. Situational irony is to demonstrate the opposite of what the reader and characters expects. It shows in The Necklace situational irony especially at the end of the short story. The Necklace states “You say you bought a diamond Necklace the other.

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