The Negative Influence Of Consumerism In Elizabethan England

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“Consumerism 1. The idea or belief that the buying and selling of products is the most important or useful activity for an individual and a society 2. Actions to protect the people from unfair prices, advertising that is not true etc ” Consumerism starts many years before, as long as the presence of Elizabethan England in the 16th century. It started off as a way to free people from hunger and transportation through the rights of the people, but once it was achieved what they need it slowly become part of hedonism (pleasure is most important), decadence (low moral standard, …show more content…

This goes on for many years and up till now consumerism is still on going. The people who have consumerism tend to get really unhappy of their life because they will never feel that it is enough, they want more. For example: purchasing four controllers for your console game when in truth you are the only player. In further research there are even more about consumerism such as consumer ethics, consumer activism and consumer boycott. Consumer ethics talks about the moral in consumer markets. It covers about whether it is fine to obtain things that has a questionable background, the view of company morals and their purchases, and the reasons of consumer boycott to companies. Consumer activism talks about making a different in the market. These are done in various forms such as protest, campaign, boycotts and “buycotts” (only buying brands that fulfil particular criteria based on human, social and environmental capital). This started off as a protest against highly price low quality food goods. People from business and consumers cooperate together for mutual benefits, and it was successful. That was the first time where the consumers were in charge of the goods. This shows principle of fairness which leads to supporting consumerism of

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