The New Negro Analysis

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Over the past year’s different Afrocentric theorist have formed theories of what black history should represent. One philosopher that I feel we should pay attention to is Alain Locke for his work, “The New Negro”. Alain Leroy Locke was an educator, a philosopher and a writer. Locke publicized the Harlem Renaissance to a wide audience. Alain Locke Charter Academy is named after him in Chicago, Illinois. If we were to design a philosophy-based curriculum for Black Studies, it would be based on several things; knowledge, misconception and ethics. The knowledge of black studies is based on the education of self and after learning self we will hold the power. From my readings I have learned that there is no such thing as a black point of view or black ideology. Now on the other hand there are and will always be different interpretations of life from different people. Various Black Nationalist such as Panthers and Ron Karenga, who was a professor and activist who created Kwanza in 1966 made it clear that a …show more content…

It is a movie about an African American slave who is free but then kidnapped and once again released after being enslaved for an extra 12 years. The movie has a few scenes that are very harsh with one showing the enslaved Solomon hanging and barely being able to put his toes on the stoop. Honestly 12 Years A Slave is nothing like Lincoln movie, but both are good starts to get a gist of black history. My future is not my past, when I opened up this paper I mentioned that black studies is based on education of self to gain power. In my future, as a black female, I want to be able to sit my children down and explain to them the things that I have learned and also the importance of learning your history. While at the same time give them the eye sight of both sides. What I mean is I would educate them on being black while explaining to them that being anti-white is not the best way to