Lower Class In America Essay

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The formation of the New Upper Class and the New Lower Class in America are due to the behavioral changes in the people of society. Class system has existed throughout history and has been a major cause of many historic events. Whether those events have impact upon human societies or not, the class system continues to exist in the modern world. In America, there has been a formation of additional classes in the society due to the rise of corporatism and modernization. Specifically, modernization has allowed people of middle class to form the New Upper Class and the people of lowest class has form the New Lower Class. To clarify about the two socially distinctive classes, the New Upper Class is the Upper-middle class where the wealth of people is in between that of 1% and middle class. On the other hand, the New Lower Class refers to the Lower-middle class, in which the wealth of people is between that of middle class and lower class. The philosophers of the past, has overseen the future of the modern America in many ways. The essay will be highlighting the concept of property, state of nature, and reasoning from John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and …show more content…

He stands for this belief because under British rule, people were severely being taxed for their own labor. Locke’s principles on property focuses upon the idea of self-gain in the Treatise can be applied the modern world on how the New Upper Class are able to thrive with attribution of wealth. Locke’s argument on the state of property within human nature has correlation Murray’s argument on how people’s behavior toward property allow them to become the New Upper Class. Under the principle of reasoning, Locke asserts that one should only utilizes one’s labor if he or she is the one who produce that product. He