THE NIGHT OF THE IMPALER: THE STORY OF THE REAL DRACULA. Madison Fowler Modern World History Dr. Beyreis November 1, 2024 Vlad the Impaler, the ruler of fifteenth century Wallachia, was labeled as a bloodthirsty monster, not only for his brutal battles opposing the Ottoman Empires forces but also as the sinister influence over the creation of Bram Stoker’s renowned vampire, Dracula—a mythical figure who personified the human race’s fears of the supernatural. Vlad was an extremely violent leader who threatened the mighty Ottoman Empire’s hope for expansion. His tactics for war and battle brought fatalities that no one in that time could have ever been prepared for. Vlad’s unusual methods of pain, such as placing human beings on stakes, earned him his title of “The Real Dracula.” During …show more content…
But vampires took a human form when Vlad III “the Impaler” was alive. He was the leader of Wallachia and was alive 1431 and circa 1476. His life was filled with the bloodshed of his enemies. Vlad was viewed as “both a hero and a monster.” Vlad was the second born of four brothers to his father by the name of Vlad II Dracul and his nickname became Dracula, derived from the Latin term “draco” meaning dragon. His father fought for the expansion of Christianity and the prevention of Ottoman expansion. He lived a fairly normal life until his family was stripped of his right to rule Wallachia. Vlad II, his father, then chose to befriend the sultan of Wallachia to regain the power he knew they were supposed to have. Later on, as a sign of loyalty to the Ottomans, Vlad III and his brother were exported to grow up under Ottoman rule as hostages by their own father. However, Vlad the Impaler was soon going to have to become his true self. His father and brother were killed and he set off with Ottoman support to defeat the current Wallachian leader and take his place. He eventually earned his space on the throne