The Notebook Of Malte Laurids Brigge Essay

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Humans have always desired to know the answers to the most thought-provoking questions – Who we are? Why we are? What is the purpose of our existence? During different periods of history, many philosophers and writers have explored these questions, and tried to find answers. However, for every human being, the answer is different because he exists in a world different than the others. His world is different because he sees it differently than the others, his experience of it is different. His experience is singular. This is why the question of existence remains ever-present. Every writer tries to express his existence through his writings. It is his assertion of his existence in the world as an individual who thinks. In The Notebooks, Rilke …show more content…

It explores the inside of things. It goes beyond what is perceived. It looks far more deeply to find a meaning to the questions that life poses to human beings. The main question that arises is of one’s existence in the world. The question is who he is and why he exists the way he does. When one becomes aware of his existence, everything changes for him. He is not able to look at anything the same way as before. He starts questioning his existence, the purpose of his life. He does not remain the same person. He does not know the meaning of being in the world. Therefore, he does not know who he is. Naturally, he wants to know what he has become, and why he exists in the world. This marks the beginning of a journey to know oneself. It is this journey that the text presents to us. It is Malte’s exploration into his inner self, to know himself, others and the world. It is his exploration of the change within him. It is his struggle to find who he has become as a result of the change. It is a quest to create a meaning out of meaninglessness. In the chapters leading to the conclusion, we shall see to where the question leads him, and whether he finds an answer to this