The Odyssey Argumentative Essay

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Argumentative Essay In Greek mythology, the gods are portrayed as evil beings that focus on themselves and their wellbeing. In contrast, this stereotype is refuted as the gods are seen constantly helping Odysseus as he ventures towards his hometown in Ithaca. Likewise, this help allows Odysseus to get back to his home. In his epic poem The Odyssey, Homer tells the tale of Odysseus’ journey home while also incorporating the aid that this hero receives from the gods like Athena and Hermes, which explains why the gods are helpful in this story. To start, Athena is able to help Odysseus in many ways. As Athena looked over Odysseus on Calypsos’ island, Athena was, “speaking of Odysseus’ many sufferings.unhappy that he was still a prisoner on Calypsos' …show more content…

Secondly, another god that shows that the gods are helpful in Odysseus’ journey is Hermes. As Hermes talks to Odysseus, the god mentions “the powerful herb I will give you will prevent [the spell]” (X. 260). The. Hermes gives Odysseus advice and an herb that will help the hero rescue his men. By giving Odysseus the herb, the protagonist is immune to the magic spell that Circe wishes to plant on him to add to her collection of human animals. Hermes emanates his helpfulness by giving Odysseus this herb, which eventually helps Odysseus rescue his men. In addition, Hermes then advises Odysseus to “draw your sword and rush at her.she will be seized with fear”. After giving the herb to Odysseus, the messenger god explains exactly what Odysseus must do in order to be free from Circe’s island. He advises Odysseus to rush at her with a sword, which leads Odysseus to break Circe and free his men from her reign. This shows that the help of Hermes allows Odysseus to overcome his obstacle, Circe, supporting the claim that the gods are helpful in aiding the hero’s journey back