The Odyssey Essay: The Role Of Women In Homer's Odyssey

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In spite of the fact that Homer’s Odyssey is an epic story of a man’s gallant journey, women play a huge part throughout. Their unique yet controversial personalities, intentions, and relationships are vital to the development of this epic and adventurous journey of Odysseus. The poem by Homer was written at a time when women had an inferior position in society, yet that didn’t stop them from being any less influential. All of the women throughout the Odyssey possess different qualities, but all of them help to define the role of the ideal woman. Mothers: Mothers in the Odyssey, are determined figures. They are seen as the suppliers of compassion and distress, instead of genuine “supporters” of their children and spouses. Throughout the Odyssey, some of the females need backing and direction as they are weak, fragile, feeble and delicate. Without a tough male figure to guide them, these females seem to be sad and lost. Mothers in the Odyssey depend highly on their son’s devotion to them. It is made clear by Homer in numerous occasions throughout the books. In the first few books, Homer depicts Penelope as the mother that depends highly on her son’s devotion. That is when Telemachus initially attested his …show more content…

Women are greatly judged by their looks throughout the book. They believe that a woman is successful if any of her direct family have an important position (e.g. King, God) or is a heroic figure. Even though Athena and Calypso are very different, one evident similarity, is their ability to influence and control men. Athena greatly interferes in Telemachus’ and Odysseus’ lives by utilizing her intellect. Her power, influence and control on men can either be seen as a positivity or as a negativity. Her interference lead Calypso to let go of Odysseus, or he might’ve stayed there forever. On the other hand, had she not interfered so much, Odysseus might have been able to get back home much