The Odyssey Part 2 Summary

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part 1 - The story takes place 10 years after the trojan war. All heroes have returned home but Odysseus was on an island ogygia with the calypso witch who loved him and was keeping him there and was never planning on letting him leave. Back home his wife Penelope has a lot of suitors, they are trying to take his kingdom and power and his son Telemachus. On Olympus Zeus sends Hermes to get Odysseus from calypso with Odysseus and leave on a ship. Part 2 – there is a meeting of all the Ithacan men. Lord Aigyptios wonders why there have not been any meetings ever since Odysseus had left. Telemachus talks for a while about the suitors who have taken advantage of his kindness of letting them eat, drink, stay at his home, and date his mom. Nobody …show more content…

He is nervous because he must say a speech for nobility. Before any speech the Ithacans go to a sacrificial feast. Nestor told Telemachos “you take after your dad.” Nestor says that after Troy the Greeks had a bit of trouble coming home, the gods did not cooperate. Menelaos and Agamemnon brothers one decided to leave Troy and one stayed behind to make sacrifices for Athene. the army split in half one half stayed one half went. going back to Troy showed loyalty to Agamemnon. Agamemnon came home and was killed by his wife klytaimestra she also killed he lover Aigisthos. Telemachos says admires Orestes for taking revenge and hopes the gods can help him avenge himself with the suitors. Nestor tells him the Odysseus was cherished in Athens mind and hope was yet to come. Telemachos does not believe that the gods are on his side. Nestor tells a story to Telemachos and tells him not to stay away from home to long. Heading back to the ships Nestor offers them beds for that night, Telemachos accepted Athen finally shows he true self and turns into an eagle. Nestor is surprised that she helped Telemachos and sacrifice a golden horned heifer. They make the sacrifice and Nestor invites Telemachos and his whole crew to feast. After he gives Telemachos horses for the long road trip