This is a story about a man named Odyssey and his many adventures. Odyssey left
Ithaca, his home town, to go to Troy to fight in the Trojan war with his men. After 10 years of war, on his way back home there were many complications that he ran into trying to get back to his wife and son. They battled many storms with heavy rain and winds but one of the first adventures that
Odyssey stumbled upon was when they discovered the Land of the Cyclopes. He was intrigued by the one-eyed giants and wanted to take a closer look. Odyssey and his men sailed over to the island and when they arrived they found a cave. The cave belonged to a giant that Odyssey wanted to see and meet. His crew did not feel the same way, they wanted to take
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Finally after 20 years Odyssey has made it home to Ithaca. When he arrives he finds that his wife Penelope has many suitors trying to win her love and his fortune while he was gone. After some advise, he disguises himself as a beggar and competes in the archery contest to win his wife back. Many of the suitors were unable complete the competition because they could not string the bow, so then Odyssey steps in. He strung the bow and plucked it like he should have because it was his bow from before he left. He then proved to them all that he could win by killing Antinous, which was one of the top competitors. The blood shed did not end there though. He challenges all of the suitors to fight or run because nothing would satisfy him after they over ran his home and tried to win
his wife while he was gone. With help, Odyssey fought all of the suitors and was able to return to his home and wife. When he returned to Penelope she was not happy to see him at first. They fought because she was angry about being alone and without him for the last 20 years. She waited for him and was faithful to him the whole time he was gone. She eventually calmed