The Old Man Exposed In Grimm's Godfather Death

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The short story “Godfather Death,” has been one of my favorite stories for as long as I remember. Many people do not know that this tale, though different at the time, was included in the first version of the “Grimms' Kinder- und Hausmärchen.” (Children's and Household Tales -- Grimms' Fairy Tales), 7th ed. (Berlin, 1857), no. 44. The only difference is that in the first edition, the story ended with Death showing the doctor the life-lights of the people on earth. In the second edition, the story ended with the doctor's little candle being put out while Death was pretending to light a new candle from the tiny old one. "Godfather Death" is a German folklore that was translated by the Grimm Brothers, Wilhelm Grimm (1786-1859) and Jacob …show more content…

One would not normally view God and the Devil as an average human being. They are supernatural beings with untold powers and yet the old man speaks to them with his opinion on how they treat mankind. As for the theme of this story, I believe that no one, good or evil, can escape death and there is no denying him. This is apparent when the Godson says, “If I cheat Death this one time, he will be angry but since I am his grandson, he will turn a blind eye, so I will risk it” (20). I feel as if the doctor acknowledged that Death was his Godfather, but he overlooked his word and his abilities. Not only was the doctor right with the thought of his grandfather forgiving him. He also felt as if he could defy his Godfather twice with no punishment. This story is trying to convey the message that everyone must accept the consequences for their actions no matter the outcome. The reason why I believe that Death is the one main character that makes “Godfather Death” such a memorable story is because his decision is absolute. He is portrayed as weak frail man, but all should fear him because he is in control of when a life ends and another begins. His grim and dark personally makes up most of the story, but what I feel about Death

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