
The Only Daughter By Sandra Cisneros

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The Only Daughter was written by Sandra Cisneros in 1995. In this story, Sandra describes her experience growing up in a Mexican Family with six other brothers. Sandra and her six brothers were raised with traditional gender roles. In this story, her father does not support her desire to be a writer. Although I cannot relate to this story, I admire how persistent Sandra was to finish college and succeed as a writer. In paragraph 4, Sandra states “Being only a daughter for my father meant my destiny would lead me to become someone's wife. That's what he believed." Even though Sandra was challenged with cultural norms such as cleaning, cooking, and other domestic duties, she was able to persist and succeed. Her determination to challenge these norms makes me admire her. Overall her strength, resilience, and determination to combat cultural and gender roles make her a strong figure which I look up to. …show more content…

Sandra says “Being an only daughter in a family of six sons forced me by circumstance to spend a lot of time by myself because my brothers felt it beneath them to play with a girl in public.” It illustrates the family roles that she experienced with her brothers. Additionally, this paragraph illustrates how time alone was beneficial for her career. It shows how solitude can extend minds to imagine, think, and feel.

Paragraph 7 starts as an important introduction to Sandra's Life. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of Sandra Cisneros' father. In this paragraph, she admits that everything she writes is for her father's approval. This demonstrates how family and culture can have a strong influence on an individual's identity and goals. It makes the reader think about their own family experience, which might have set their

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