The Ophelia Syndrome Analysis

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The author is writing in order to persuade the readers to start thinking for themselves. The Ophelia syndrome is explained using an example from Hamlet. Ophelia, when talking to her father, Polonius, says, “I do not know, my lord, what I should think.” He says in return, “I’ll teach you. Think yourself a baby.” Embedded in this quote is what Thomas Plummer uses to explain the Ophelia syndrome. It is when people cease, or don’t know how to think for themselves and just let others make decisions for them. Plummer includes many examples of this happening. He says, “What if you are a student of biochemistry or German grammar? Then you have to memorize information and take notes from instructors who know more, because the basic material is factual. There is no other way. And this is a temporary condition of many areas of study.” Plummer offers suggestions that people can use to “treat the Ophelia Syndrome”. His …show more content…

I had no idea that I had that syndrome until I was reading through the paper and realized that most of the things he was talking about were things that I do. I agree with the things he was writing about. He said at one point, “If we both think the same way, one of us is unnecessary.” That is such a true statement. If everyone in the world thought the same way then nothing would ever get done. This opens my eyes to see that there are things that I can contribute that I have never considered. Plummer says, “As you come to know yourself and gain confidence in critical skills, you must also learn to play your hunches, to follow your intuition through. You truly are the only one who knows what you think and feel, and you, consequently are the only one who knows what feelings and ideas you must follow through on.” These two sentences were the things that stood out to me the most. This is such a great promise that is made to those who are able to treat this syndrome. This article motivated me to want to work on thinking for