Introduction The complexity of an organization leads to the need for multiple frame leadership and decision-making skills. Organizational complexity consists of varied independent but interrelated and interdependent components connected through complicated multiple interconnections (Mason). Bolman and Gallos state, "Colleges and universities are complex institutions that put a premium on sensemaking (Bolman and Gallos, 2011, p. 2).” Community Colleges are organizationally complex, therefore, requiring the need for strategies to navigate the intricacies. The frames provide practical lenses to view the organization's complexity and provide actionable knowledge to handle the difficulty. The workable frames are in action simultaneously throughout …show more content…
The Campus President is often dealing with scarce resources, conflicting interests, multiple groups, subgroups, and committees who all know what is best (Bolman & Gallos 2011, p. 71). Working as a skilled negotiator outside of the college, but also within the college to address classroom space shortage, aging technology, various conflicting departmental budgetary needs, and strained interpersonal relationships demonstrates the President’s ability to work through political environments and conflicting views to aid in the development of practical inclusive …show more content…
50). The Director as the architect initially spent hours building and developing various plans, guidelines, and rules unaware of the impact to the complex interconnected organizational family. Mentoring sessions with the Campus President and Vice President began to help provide the needed skills and perspectives of the politician and coach. The structural framework leadership perspective has given incredible insight into the intentions, motivations, and drive of the Director. In addition, the structural framework provides value to the leadership role, the organizational need, and viable interconnected place this leadership framework holds within a functioning healthy complex college and department. The Symbolic