The Outsiders
This is the story of a young boy named Ponyboy (Pony will be his nickname), and he is 14 years of age, and his brothers, Darry (20 years of age), and Sodapop (16 years of age). This book author is: Susan Eloise Hinton. The book is about these 3 main characters (and more) that in basic (for now), Pony goes through a “jumping”, witnessed a murder, ran away with his brother (Jonny ((another main character)) to an abandoned church, and Jonny confessed of murder. This book puts the story in the 1950s and 1960s and a this is standard poor and rich environment for this time.
Ponyboy sets himself as an Outsider, he is a greaser (a “gang”) and some what proud of it, he feels the same because he is poor, and his parents died in a car