The Pantheon Research Paper

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The Greeks and Roman used various yet specific building methods to construct some of the most fascinating and intricate architecture in the world. The artistic style of classism intricately combined the thought processes and artistic expressions of the ancient Greeks and ancient Romans. The classic style “placed a great emphasis on harmony, explanation, understanding, order, and formal discipline” (Sporre 222).

The Pantheon is one of the most famous landmarks of ancient Rome. Originally commissioned by Marcus Agrippa in 27 BC, severe damage led Emperor Hadrian to have it rebuilt around 125 AD. Located about a mile and a half northwest of the Roman Forum, its creation is widely credited to the great architect, Apolloduras of Damascus. Originally …show more content…

This differs greatly from the rectangular Greek and Etruscan temples with flat roofs that influenced the Romans, showing an example of Rome finding its unique architectural style. Another exclusive feature of the famous Pantheon is the oculus in the ceiling. The biggest oculus ever, it allows the elements access to the temple. However, what impresses most people is the architectural and engineering genius that went into building this historic temple. Having mastered the art of the arch, the Romans applied this concept to make the dome. The heaviest materials made the lower parts of the dome, and lighter materials were gradually used for the higher portions. To this day, it is the largest unreinforced concrete dome.
One of the most iconic Classic style buildings is the Parthenon that sits on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. The Parthenon really shows the symmetry and formality that defines Classic architecture. There is perfect symmetry, according to Dennis Sporre because “the number of columns on the sides equals twice the number across the front, plus one” (Sporre 228). Most Greek and Roman temples also had pediments, which is unique to Classical style. The pediment is a wide triangular piece that sits on top of the façade. Like the Parthenon, almost every Classic temple was built as a sanctuary for a specific Greek God as The Parthenon was built for