The Perfect Book

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The Perfect Book January 1st of 2040. Sharon receives the new year with her family and loved ones. She’s having so much fun surrounded by people she loves. She is really excited to start a new year not only because it is a new year, but for her birthday too. This birthday is really special, is not like the other birthdays. She is about to receive something very important since she was a little girl she dreamed of having. A book. Growing up, she lived in this perfect town. People always seemed so carefree. She always saw people carrying this book that appeared to be very strange and old looking. But, this book’s cover was smooth and made with a beautiful brown leather material. It was designed compactly enough to be able to carry it around. …show more content…

She is now holding her own leather book on how to live her life perfectly like the rest of the world. Sharon wonders what her first vision is going to be, very opens it but gets no vision. She didn’t expect that but she shrugged it off and was thinking to ask her mom once she got home. Now, she is in her way home. Sharon is driving and then she stops at a red light, she goes for the book to take a second looked at it. Through her reflection, she sees that the lights turned green. She starts accelerating and a drunk driver hit her. When her car stopped flipping around she was suffering from internal bleeding, she understood why she didn’t get a vision. There was no future for …show more content…

I viewed myself as a selfish and careless girl who believed I had no purpose in life. I strongly believed that school was a waste of my time. I remember that time I was so mad at my family and so frustrated I skipped class. I did nothing crazy, not at all. I remember I just went to the park and sat on the swings and just chilled until class ended. Sometimes you just need to breathe and stop to think. I don’t remember what I was thinking, but I know after I took that time to think and relax, I could start focusing on the now. When you’re mad for too long about something that already happened is pointless. You can’t change what already happened because it already