
The Perfect Storm Compare And Contrast Essay

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Compare and Contrast
Screaming, crying, and frantically searching for their young. These are all triggered from disasters. There are man-made disasters and natural disasters, and the most destructive ones are from the earth itself. In the article “Super Disasters”, the tragic Hurricane Katrina’s, earthquake in China’s, and the tsunami in Indonesia’s causes and effects are discussed. The Perfect Storm is an anecdote about a fisherman who who is lost at sea, but due to high winds, much destruction is made. The authors of The Perfect Storm and “Super Disasters”, have a few similarities and differences in their strategies and techniques involving that of data, vocabulary, and text structure to show cause and effect. For data, of course there are a few differences due to the pieces being about different events. “Since it was built in 1718, the city has sunk 2.7 meters (9 feet).” This came from “Super Disasters”, and the sentence describes when New Orleans was built and how much it had sunk. In contrast, The Perfect Storm says, “Peak wave heights stay at 100 feet and winds hit 80 miles per hour.” It was used to give information on how …show more content…

In The Perfect Storm, Junger uses a personal anecdote to connect with the readers, “You get so much bad weather that you kind of get used to it. But then you see really bad weather. And that, you never get used to.” As for in the article, “Super Disasters”, the author just told of the causes and effects of a fault that was ruptured, “Energy transferred to a fault and when the fault ruptured, it triggered a monster earthquake that caused massive destruction.” Both pieces say how much damage costed after all was said and done. “Total losses exceeded $150 billion.” (“Super Disasters” Page #144) “The 1991 Perfect Storm, also known as the Halloween Nor’easter of 1991, caused over 200 billion dollars worth of damage” (The Perfect Storm, Page

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