The Perils Of Soft Power Josef Joffe Analysis

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In the article “The Perils of Soft Power”, author Josef Joffe, the newspaper publisher in German indicates that soft power does not necessarily increase the world’s love for America, it still can make enemies, since American thinkers are led by Joseph S. Nye Jr. to argue that the United States should rely more on soft power, but not on hard power. This article was published in the New York Times in 2006, faced to all audiences that in the North America.
The purpose of this article is to express the dissatisfaction about the effect of American culture around the world, especially in Europe. Josef points out that hundred years ago, Europe’s universities were the model for the rest of the world to imitate, but today, Europe has lost their luster since the “demonstration effect” of America. People don’t like American culture …show more content…

Then he uses few events like protesters were attracted by Shrek ears in Canners File Festival of 2004; more than a million visitors stood in line in order to visit an exhibit of 200 pieces from the Museum of Modern Art in Berlin in 2004; to express his point: American soft power engenders a mixture of repulsion and attraction. In the last half part of the article, he indicated that the resentment of American culture was raised in Europe, he uses the sayings from critics of Suddeutsche Zeitung and Frankfurter Allgemeine, to present the “curse of soft power”, great soft power does not bend hearts, it twists minds in resentment and rage. The entire article is well-structured, with the logical order of representation, all the citations are informative and