The Permanence Of War And Zeus's Role In Hospitality

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We started by discussing our general thoughts about the Iliad. Keldan brought up the interesting nature of the Greek's descriptions battle and was wondering about the meaning of describing battles by the heroes that lead them rather than the tactics used.

Kayla asked what everyone thought about the permanence of war after reading. She asked if humans will always be destined to war or if they experienced too much would they stop of their own accord.

We then recapped the previous class for Alinani. We planned to discuss hospitality, enemies and foes, Zeus's role in hospitality, and more about war being inherently human.

Keldan brought up the other gods as well as Zeus and asked how these stories were recorded. Were they written down as the events occurred and the God's mention as representations or did they filter in to the stories later. Kayla talks about how these questions lead to many asking if the trojan wars ever happened. Monica brings up how many of these stories we think of come from neither the Iliad or the Odyssey but rather that these text referenced a set of 13 plays that originally chronicled the war. She also mention that other historians have referenced these plays existence and that the actual plays were destroyed. …show more content…

Did he believe in the permanence or was he of a different thought process. Monica says that the way homer writes does seem to confirm his belief in this permanence. Also bringing up the class discussion about modern politics and how they are influenced by this idea that everyone is evil by nature. Monica also mentions that it is a little unsure as to homer’s character and if he existed so attributing too much to him by way of his writing might be a