The Perpetual Adolescent Joseph Epstein Analysis

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The Perpetual Adolescent In the article The Perpetual Adolescent, Joseph Epstein discusses the development in the youth culture in the United States. Epstein takes the reader into a historical analysis of how the youth culture has developed over the years in the nation. The article provides numerous examples to support the ideas and arguments raised. For example, the idea behind college instructors wearing T-shirts and jeans while going about their official school duties, instead of official attire, is to relate better with the students. Music, sports, and film art are elements that played a huge role in the development of the youth culture in the US. A look at the current era reveals that indeed the youth culture has taken over all aspects …show more content…

The article does not have a specific target market, and this means that its audience cuts across different ages. The article is appealing both for the old and the young. It appeals to those engulfed in the youth culture and those who are adults. The use of examples and background information on the development of the culture is one of the ways that the author uses to try to deliver his arguments to the audience. The examples provided are very specific and the author goes a step ahead to identify the impact of each one in the growth of the youth culture. The examples used cut across all the age groups reading the article. For example, the mentioning of Warren Buffet as one of the adults within the American society can be interpreted differently. The youth may consider the main reason for his mentioning as his age, hence making it difficult to adopt the youthful lifestyle. The adults reading the article might take up the example in quite a different way, and relate better with the classification, as they fall in the same category. The adults might understand why they do not find the need to indulge in the youthful …show more content…

One of the main arguments of the essay is the development of the youth culture in the US, and the factors responsible for this outcome. The article is effective in the delivery of the major arguments, as the ideas follow in a logical manner. The essay is a success and it reaches out to a rather wide target audience. Anyone that is familiar with the culture and values of the American society can enjoy the article. Epstein appeals to the emotions of the reader, through the provision of detailed information. For example, he proclaims that the nation still has some adults left in individuals such as Warren Buffet, Jeane Kirkpatrick, and Sol Linowitz amongst others. The overall approach of the article towards the explanation of the youth culture in the US is one that can borrow and use in an