The Philosophy Of Insults By Jerome Neu: Summary

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In his book Sticks and Stones: The Philosophy of Insults, Jerome Neu makes the argument that the schoolyard wisdom that “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is not accurate at all. Neu rightfully points out that words are very powerful and especially when they are insults. According to Neu, to insult is to “assert or assume dominance, either intentionally claiming superiority or unintentionally revealing lack of regard. To be insulted is to suffer a shock, a disruption of one’s sense of self and one’s place in the world. To accept an insult is to submit, in certain worlds to be dishonored” (p. vii). Aside from this definition of insult, Neu goes to great extent to show the origin and history of insults. From …show more content…

Most importantly, Neu demonstrates that this difference is complex and revealing. It depends on variables of not only the insulter and insulted, but also of the environment and history between the individuals. Among the variables to take in consideration are gender, character, honor, and legal and social circumstances. Aside from the history and the complexity of an insult, Neu also engages in explaining the role insults have in society, as well as the place insults poses in the court of law. Additionally, Neu also recognizes that is “all about respect. “Who we think we are, at least to some extent (we must recognize that some self-evaluations are inelastic), depends on who others allow us to think we are. So far as they refuse to recognize our claims to their consideration and concern, we are denied essential elements of our moral identity” (p. 9). However, a few questions do arise in Neu’s argument. If the thing in question here is the respect one thinks one deserves, then the question of “what does respect require” needs to be answered (p. 213). Neu does consider the question but he only provides philosophical ideas that do not provide decisive conclusions. A strong argument of what does respect requires needs to be made in order to answer moral and legal topics that Neu …show more content…

28). However, Neu recognizes that both options are equally unlikely to generate a positive outcome. Being servile means to have low self-respect and not to have expectations of being disappointed. Being arrogant on the other hand, means not to notice or care for someone else’s opinion, however, this has the potential to undermine all other human relations. Instead Neu proposes to find the mean. His solution is not being oversensitive or too indifferent. Additionally, he urges the reader to understand in order to forgive but with caution not to fall into a servile position simply because we understand people and our environment. Lastly, Sticks and Stones provide an insightful view about the different dynamics and the reality that insults represent. It provides the reader with plenty of background information that encompasses most of what insults are and their place in the world. This information helps in trying to understand an experience that in most cases is simply remembered as a painful

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