The Picture Of Dorian Gray Research Paper

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The Picture of Dorian Gray The Picture of Dorian Gray is one of Britain's well-known literature. It is considered to be a great classic novel that was written by Oscar Wilde. Wilde first introduced his novel in July of 1890. It is about a man named Dorian Gray who has a painting of himself that grows old while he stays young. The picture of Dorian Gray was first introduced to the public in Lippinocott’s Monthly Magazine. The magazine’s editor took out about five hundred words from Wilde’s original writing because he feared that Wilde’s novel was inappropriate and would cause controvsity. Even though the editor did take out many things, it still offended lots of British book reviewers. When I was deciding on which novel to pick for this assignment, …show more content…

The young man is Dorian Gray who is influenced by both Basil and Henry. Dorian has a painting created by Basil Hallward. Basil and his good friend, Lord Henry Wotton, disuse his painting of the young Dorian Gray. They talk about how perfect it is. Henry says, “there’s only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about. A portrait like this would set you far above all the young men in England, and make the old men quite jealous, if old men are ever capable of any emotions” (Wilde 2). Here, Henry is telling Basil he should send it to Grosvenor but Basil does not want to. Henry is so infatuated with Dorian's painting that he wants to meet him in person. Basil does not think it is a good idea because he is worried how Lord Henry would influence Dorian Gray. Since Dorian is always at Basil’s place to finish the painting, Henry finally gets to meet and talk to him. Henry tells Dorian there is another way to look at life. It is the way Henry himself sees life, a sequence of please where good and evil are ignorant. Once Basil is done with the painting, he gives it to Dorian who takes it home to admire all its beauty. Henry becomes a good friend of Dorian who continues to influence him. Soon enough Dorian becomes more distant from Basil who was his best friend. Over the course of the book, Dorian falls for a barmaid named Sybil Vane who is young, beautiful, and a struggling poor actress. He tells Henry about Sybil but Henry says he should not be with her considering his status and wealth. Either way, Dorian is really in love with her and is considering the thought marrying her. As soon as they get engaged, Sybil’s talent suddenly disappears which has an effect on Dorian. Dorian no longer loves her and ends the relationship leaving Sybil very heartbroken. When Dorian gets home he notices something strange on his portrait. He states that it somehow has

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