Cause And Effect Of Plagiarism Essay

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1. The plagiarism conundrum
According to Oxford dictionary, conundrum means “confusing and difficult problem or question.”
Plagiarism is anything illegal done by academia and is considered the most serious violation of acclaimed ethics in the academic world. Plagiarism has some serious negative effects on research writers who work for recognition in an environment of competition.
The results are fairly alarming because there are clear gaps in knowledge of students about plagiarism. However, the causes of plagiarism can be seen by various aspects.
Numerous forms of dishonest academic behaviors are common among students in the University of the Punjab. Even though, there can be various different whys and wherefores behind this not new phenomenon of plagiarism. Plagiarism can arise for poles apart categories as, intentional …show more content…

Disorganization Lack of time management skills, laziness, incapability to select from numerous sources (information overloaded), inclination to underestimate the study burden, are some leading causes of plagiarism which can be categorized under the category of disorganization.

Students don’t manage time properly, they think that there is not substantial work to do and that they are as considerably extra-ordinary intelligent that it would not be difficult to analyze the whole data thoroughly. They select data in abundance and spend more time in data collection and consequently very short time left to analyze. This disorganized and careless attitude of students leads them towards plagiarism.

“I don’t want to plagiarize in start but I start working very energetically. But later on I collect more data and become unable to organize thoroughly. Additionally, I spend more time on data collection inadvertently and at the end I have to plagiarize.”

Many students avoid working hard because of laziness. They remain lethargic while working on assignments and thesis. And in the end find no other way except plagiarism. As a student