The Plague Analysis

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aired inevitably with the plagues disappearance and time. The Plague as well had a significant impact on religion in which in many cases began to become a outlet for reasoning the plagues occurrence. The plague was widely attributed to the wrath of “G-d” in the European Roman Catholic Empire and most of which residing within it began to attribute the Plague of “G-ds” wrath as being caused furthermore by the ill services of the Church’s clergymen. People had long seen the clergy as over privileged and in many cases corrupt, even within the Church itself these beliefs were held by clergy in regards to their peers and those in which they oversaw (Byrne, Joseph P. "anticlericalism during the Black Death"). The church throughout the plague had …show more content…

Some have suggested that the Black Death killed up to 60% of the European population (Byrne, Joseph P. "economic effects of the Black Death.”) but what is generally agreed upon is that a major percentage of the common laborers in many fields in which left Europe distraught and in dire need of a healthy, high percentage peasant population in order for the agricultural and societal labor demands of the years prior to 1346 to be met again without revision. In many parts of Europe what began to occur was that the laborers in which were in good health refused to work aside from when being compensated sometimes five fold more than the original pre-plague price value of the labor. During this period of time what began to occur was a redistribution of wealth and a ultimate beneficial period for those of the peasantry in which survived in that by comparison to their former lives they had gained land, higher wages and in many cases rights not previously held in relations to their lords as serfdom was beginning to become a relic of the former (Friedrich 136). This dilemma became increasingly unsettling for the lords in which provided compensation for the inflated work and led ultimately to legislation being passed in several countries and city states to return pricing order …show more content…

This rebellion did not necessarily only contain those of the peasant class but as well contained some of the lower classes involved in high skilled profession and even some of the lower leveled clergy. The rebellion itself was the result of various increases in fees as well as a additional poll tax in 1381, which were put into place to counter the increased wages and decreased rent in which radically hurt the the condition of the lower classes pursuit of happiness. The demands of the rebellion were quite clear and involved the destruction of the lordships aside from the King, dismantling of many of the unjust precepts of the Church and redistribution of its acquisitions, but primarily and not limited to, the casting away of the common European system of serfdom and the freedom to create their own labor contracts with employers. Though the rebellion itself was met with the attention of King Richard II, it was none the less suppressed and eventually became but a strong memory implanted in the minds of the nobility in reference to the opposition of beneficial wage and rent changes associated with the lower classes of England. (Peasants ' Revolt of