The Planet Of The Apes Analysis

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Ape’s Only True State

Innovations from the intelligence of man has been the key factor to change in our culture. It all started with the human race discovering fire a long time ago in the Stone Age. Now we stand in the 21st century, and we have made far strides consisting of cell phones, cars, flight, space travel, robots, etc. The human race started with something so little and they turned it into something unimaginable. Just like Pierre Boulle 's novel, “The Planet of the Apes” he portrays that innovation and the advancements of technology only comes from the human species.
Apes have only retained the ability to mimic, and have lacked the capacity to think on their own. Our human brains, on the other hand, are a magnificent part of the body, and they have allowed humans to be the masterminds behind all the new mechanizations of the world. In the novel, Ulysse and Cornelius travel to the excavation site, and this theory was proven. At the site, Cornelius finds a doll that resembles a human girl with clothes on. …show more content…

In the novel, Ulysse, Professor Antelle, and Arthur Levain ride on a ship to Soror that can go the speed of light. Boelle writes that to get to the planet in the quickest way, they need to have “Twelve months of acceleration; twelve months of reduced speed; between the two, only a few hours”(12). The technically advanced machinery portrays one of the main technophilic aspects of the novel. Along with the technophilic aspect, the novel prevails as a possible scenario. Apes on earth are mostly the same because they both continue to be the mimickers of their planets. The humans ruled Soror first, but then a test subject memory recalls a doctor saying’ “ They seized us. Georges directed the operation. He copied my moves exactly”(245). Apes have not yet begun to speak, and humans do not know of their intentions yet. Due to this, the story is represented as a