The Pleasures Of Eating By Wendell Berry

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Health matters more than money, so when it comes to buying food, buying healthy one, should not be a burden. In the essay “The Pleasures of Eating,” Wendell Berry argues that urban consumers are not eating responsibly, because according to him, the not knowing of where the food being consumed is from or what it contains, is irresponsible. He claims that industrialized farms are controlling consumers by enhancing foods that contain substances such as chemicals in vegetables and fruits, or animals being dependent on antibiotics. I agree with Wendell Berry because people are gullible and fall for what these industrialized are telling and delivering them. People do not eat responsibly because they like buying what requires less money from their pocket and they immediately see that as an advantage. Usually the foods that these people are purchasing are the harmful ones because a company would not make processed foods more expensive than organic foods. A way that people try to spend less money is by using coupons and some even go overboard on doing so. It is quite gratifying to know that you are saving money, but foods like fruits and vegetables are not advertised as often as processed and packaged foods are. Consumers purchase them …show more content…

People who work do not have time to cook, that is why many prefer to stop by a fast food restaurant than cooking. Those who live alone are the ones that are lazier to cook when they should be the more active ones because they have time to themselves, meanwhile parents have to manage their families and still cook. Nevertheless, parents are still busy doing other things and do not have time to be researching foods and asking about the origin of each. However, not having time should not be the exception why people cannot eat healthy, on the contrary people should make time to look where their foods are coming

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